Never in a million years were Ray and I looking at 1 bedroom condos. Are you kidding me? We were living in a 3 bedroom home with a bonus room. Yes, we had agreed that downsizing was a good thing but . . . When we started looking we weren’t sure about fitting ourselves into the most common condo configuration – a two bedroom home. Each time I came across the listing and saw this picture, I was so intrigued. Where was this condo surrounded by such a natural setting? But wait STOP, I would scroll down and remind myself, it was one bedroom (only size available at that point) – can’t be done. Finally after looking at another condo in Issaquah, we decided we just had to take a look at this place. Not really an option but, it’s not going to hurt just to see what it’s like. Maybe it was just us, but once we saw the unit and then stepped out on the deck and breathed in Squak Mtn. rising directly in front of us and Tiger Mtn. (complete with paragliders drifting off to our left) . . . Well let’s just say we were prepared to jettison just about anything it took to move into this place. Amazingly, though we didn’t have to sacrifice that much. With a large storage closet inside the unit, another on the deck and a third in the garage we were able to bring everything we needed and WANTED with us and it fit just fine. There was also a real upside to not having too much extra space. Over the 5+ years we’ve been here, the size of the unit has dovetailed quite nicely with the emerging “Green Thinking”. There is no extra space to just dump stuff you don’t want to decide about and before you buy another item because you might use it someday, you stop and think!